Gamer, designer, manager, dreamer, writer, believer, doer.

Hey all!

Hope you’re having a great weekend.  I’ve been listening to your feedback and knocking out what I hope is a robust .226 version that should be available in a day or two. I think those of you with smaller resolutions should be much happier!! I will update this post when .226 is live.

Imperia V.226 Change Log




* Fixed bug where deleting a system edict caused crash

* Fixed ‘rounding’ bug when adding Influence to an Edict



* Added full resolution support across all screens, including the planet screen

* Improved look of most resolutions by scaling all viewports and graphics more precisely – continued work on this will be ongoing

* Added some of Nadia’s awesome planets, especially gas giants

* Dimmed out buttons on button bar that don’t function yet to minimize confusion

* Added assigning system to new sector edict, and added UI functionality to allow other edicts with secondary choices (such as designations)

* Added new planetary edict – change primary designation

* Added 2 new designations – government nexus and material production world

* Added more system and planet names, and eliminated duplicate planet/system names – may have fixed a bug related to duplicate names

* Added basic designation effects – i.e. heavy production worlds now have negative terraforming modifiers, but greater wages, etc.

* Added attempt to assassinate character action – must have informer network and costs 5 Tyrannical influence

* Some small efficiency gains, especially between turns

* Added check to potentially add ADM for emperor every year



* Some cost/edict balances; some items cost less ADM, some more (a few were 1 ADM for testing, those have been changed)

* Material production is now considerably more profitable per mTon (to counterbalance increased costs for setting up and maintaining manufacturing) ($10 vs. $4)

* Science production is more costly due to impending Science system addition, prepare for costs!

* Planet ADM has been tweaked upward for sectors and the Imperial capital

* ADM efficiency has been increased from 6:1 to 5:1 for Empire ADM used for planetary Edicts

I am working on the documentation for Imperia, and I have written a quick-start guide on the wiki. I wanted to also post it here so that people who were playing Imperia and were kind of lost about what to do have a better idea where to start.

Welcome, Your Excellence. Most people on their 18th birthday get cake, maybe some presents, and perhaps a new sweater or two. You got all that, minus the sweater, and a whole empire too! What fun! Your eager hand sits in the Astrography Chamber, where your bidding will be plotted out and the fate of millions are in your hands!


Well, that’s to be expected. I am Wilfred, your loyal regent, and while I know you paid attention in your ‘I’m going to be the Emperor one day’ classes, fear is natural. Let’s look at what you should be doing.

I would first look at your trade network. Unfortunately, your predecessors didn’t help you all that much with keeping robust trade lines throughout the Empire. Many of our sector capitals and most of our system capitals have either no starbase, or it is so decrepit that it is no longer being used. In any case, the issue is the same: without a starbase, a planet can’t receive replenishment materials and food from the Empire, and without that, well… let’s just say that uneasy is the head which wears the circlet. So you’re going to need to look at which planets are self sufficient, which are producing a healthy surplus of food and/or materials, and which ones are going to go hungry or run out of materials soon. The Intel screen will be invaluable with this, on page 2 (don’t forget, Your Excellence, to hit Page Down and Page Up to move between pages!) You will most likely find several planets with no starbase that will need one built very soon.

As you have probably noticed, however, starbases aren’t cheap. And they tend to take a while to build. And right now, your governors and viceroys aren’t exceptionally friendly with your presence on the scene – they’re used to having things ‘their way’, and you represent a threat. And being so new, you haven’t built up the influence you’re going to need down the road to push through really important things, so don’t spend it all right away. And though it will drastically cut down Edict times, and it will be very tempting to use, do NOT spend Tyrannical influence liberally unless you’re prepared to accept the consequences to your relationships – and have the power to deal with them!

I would recommend starting your reign slowly. Try building relationships with your viceroys and governors. And by relationships, I mean give them cash. You have a personal Imperial allowance that is untraceable and its use is yours by Imperial fiat. Beware, however, some in this decadent Empire may yet be honest enough to refuse your kind gifts, and if word spreads, more and more people will demand that you supplement their income as well!! Speeches, Imperial honors, and supporting industrial sectors that they approve of may work as well, but honors cost money and every action costs Admin – your precious time that you can not ever get back!

As you are perusing your Empire on the intel screen during your first turn, you will notice that many of them have cash flow that is yellow (losing money, enough in their treasury to supplement it), or red (losing money, requiring a subsidy from the Empire to stay afloat!) Your mighty Empire may well be losing money already by supporting such ne’er do well planets! What can you do?

Perhaps you can stimulate their planetary economy? Most viceroys will appreciate this effort! Try creating an planetary economic Edict or two to get some planets in the green. Check the cash flow on planets. What’s costing money? Too much government? Ask the viceroy to cut the subsidy. Manufacturing being built on a planet with a 15 strategic mineral rating? Encourage another sector! Consider adding a Secondary Designation that helps to balance out the planet’s potential. Or you might even consider changing the Primary Designation of a planet, but that takes a lot of time, money, and disgruntled populace as you displace them from their jobs.

And never forget, Your Excellence, that it is survival of the fittest. It may be better to abandon a planet that has no hope of a turnaround and allow those people to find better lives elsewhere than to continue allowing Imperial resources to propagate a money black hole. Yes, your Popular Support will take a hit, but eventually the people will understand…

You will probably notice that as planets build up their economic sectors and grow, they will use materials. And unfortunately, your glorious predecessors didn’t exactly have a lot of planets dedicated to mining and creating materials. You will probably have to create outposts on planets that are, shall we say, less than ideal. The good news is that people will flock to them because their wages are so high. The bad news is that unless you pick an excellent location, between wages and infrastructure costs to shield your workers from such a harsh climate, the outpost will be a serious drain on Empire resources. Choose locations where people can migrate to as well! Check your migration mode (‘C’ key) on the quadrant display to see how far people can travel to relocate.

Don’t forget about luxury minerals! These are what power your retail sector, and a planet with a high Luxury Mineral rating, along with some manufacturing capacity to create high-quality goods, can quickly become a shopping mecca and an economic powerhouse! And to some extent, these goods benefit any planet in your sector (with a starbase, of course!) as the goods are traded across the sector!

Eventually, the people will demand to expand our borders, and that’s where exploration comes in. You will need to look at your space mission infrastructure. Hit ‘M’ to check out which systems can support missions and what range. You need at least level II starbases in order to support the massive science ships, population transports, and terraformers required to perform space Edicts. You must balance cost of setting this infrastructure up with all else, including trade hubs, other starbases, etc.

So about Edicts. Yes, I know you’re excited about creating laws that move entire planets and systems into motion. Who wouldn’t be? But remember that every Edict you enact has consequences. When you commit ADM from a system or sector capital, you are preventing it from being used elsewhere. And spending Empire ADM directly for a single planet is very inefficient. I do not recommend doing so unless there is no alternative. Materials are also very inefficient when used from higher levels of government, so I recommend stockpiling materials on a planet you plan to base Edict support from by building a trade hub and a Starbase, if one doesn’t exist.

When planning your Edicts, think about who will be involved. I will give you an estimate of how long I believe the Edict will take based on what I know about the personalities involved, but it is just that: an estimate. Influence will help, but it may be better to delay your Edict a few turns while you attempt to, ahem, convince those leaders that will be involved that their loyalty will be beneficial in the long run. And if you do have to use Influence, and your Popular Support is high, take your message to the people by using Nationalist Influence! It’s very effective if the planet’s population loves you, but remember that if the viceroy doesn’t like you, he or she may resent your using their mob to coerce them into supporting your goals.

One more thing about your leaders. There is a darker way to bring them into line, but it, like all things, has tradeoffs. You can instruct your Intel Prime to, shall we say, distribute some of your personal coin to the people of a planet to keep their ears to the ground about a certain viceroy or governor. Should something turn up that would be, ah, embarrassing, you can always resort to a little old-fashioned blackmail, but naturally that person will be very unhappy with you. And should the day come where they can break that spell… well, but I’m just a regent. What do I know! And if you’re truly unhappy with a leader, you can have them removed, but they may not agree if you are too weak – and regardless, your other leaders will know what you tried to do and the ramifications will be felt throughout your Empire.

And of course, if your Intel network is large and organized enough… you can attempt a.. rather final solution to your leader problem. History has certainly seen its share of tyrants who work that way.

This is but a brief primer, Your Excellence. Oh, and one last bit of advice. You do not have to use all your Admin every turn. Sometimes, the best action, especially with an Empire that is losing money, is inaction.

Good luck, Your Excellence.

Hey everyone,

So it looks like a lot of you have tried Imperia, and there have been a lot of questions about ‘what do I do now?’ While I understand this is a free hobby game, and it’s almost a tried and truism that these kinds of games are poorly (or not at all) documented, I realize that Imperia is not a game that you can just ‘pick up’ – there’s a lot going on under the surface, and comprehensive documentation is needed.

So here is where the documentation will be found going forward. It’s the Imperia Wiki, and I will be updating it as time permits. Please check for updates. And if you’re feeling brave enough to want to add to the wiki – let me know! I could use the help!


The good news: I am releasing Imperia on!!! The bad news: Sourceforge seems to be having some issues with uploading files over the last day or so. I am trying everything, even using  FileZilla to upload wih SFTP protocol, but the uploads keep timing out. I hope to have the upload take one of these times, however, before I go to work, so we’ll see. If the file is not in the Imperia V.225 Setup Files folder, please be patient – the uploader is being nasty!  No more bad news… file is now LIVE!!! ENJOY!!!

Anyway, the project page is at which will have the latest screenshots and readme’s.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I am still working on converting the resolutions, and everything is done except for the planet screen. This means that people with anything lower than 1920 X 1080 can launch and see most of the screens, but depending on their screen size it may be unplayable due to not accessing the edict panel on the far right. I am still working on it, but everything else is done that I wanted to get in for this first release so I wanted to have it out there for the people who can play fully.

I will also add a quick documentation guide this evening. For now, here are the basics:

  • ESC – exits the game
  • SPACE – starts new game on title screen
  • M – enables mission range overlay on quadrant screen
  • C – enables colonize range overlay on quadrant screen
  • T – enables trade node overlay on quadrant screen (red = system trade hub, yellow = sector trade hub, green = empire trade hub)
  • N – disables all overlays
  • For quadrant map – hold down the right mouse button and pan in the direction you want the map to go. Zoom in/out using the mouse wheel. (Zoom to cursor is something I will put in eventually, but its not a priority). Hover over a system to view side-bar details (depending on what you know,  of course!) Left-click to enter the system screen. Left-click the ASTROGRAPHY button in the bottom button bar to return to the quadrant screen at any time.
  • For system view – right click on a planet to go directly to the planet screen. Left click to open the planet summary. From there, you can enter the planet screen by clicking on the button on the panel. Hover over a character name in yellow to get a tooltip with basic information; left-click to open the character interaction window. Right click on any non-planet space to return to the quadrant screen.
  • For planet view- right-click anywhere on screen to return to system view. Click on the tabs to the left of the planet information display to open up a submode. The modes from top to bottom are:
  • DEMOGRAPHIC – Shows population migration, unrest and population trends, and desirability factors. Informational only.
  • ECONOMIC – 2 sub modes: cash flow shows projected cash flow for the next turn, sector info shows output, profit/loss per item, and total profit/loss. Also shows subsidys for government and unemployment.
  • PRODUCTION – 2 sub modes: primary display on right shows manufacturing and agriculture sectors, with output, employment, sector level, wages being paid, and the ‘desirability rating’ to the right of the slash following the wages. The higher this number, the more desirable in absolute terms this sector is to pops. The secondary display shows the government sector, science sector, service sector, and unemployment rate. The right side shows designation information, trade info, and stockpiles for food and materials.
  • INTEL – 2 buttons here – you can set up an intel network and stop adding to it with the toggle button here. You will also be able to connect directly to your Intel Prime (not enabled yet). When you have available informers, you will recieve an alert on the Alert Bar in the quadrant view. To assign informers, start a conversation with a character on that planet and click ‘Assign Intel Assets’. Your Intel Prime will actually assign assets based on what they think is best for that level of character; you do not have direct control. If your informers discover something, you will see that information on this panel. You can then blackmail a character by going to their screen and selecting the new ‘Blackmail’ option. All intel choices are in black.
  • You also set planet-level edicts here. To set up an edict, simply click on the edict. It costs 5 ADM to execute an edict, but you can right-click out of the screen at any time without losing the ADM. From here, the edict screen shows up, with the basic information on the top, the edict ADM chain in the middle, and your influence pools on the bottom. To create a valid edict, you must assign enough ADM among your planet, system, sector, and empire levels, along with sufficient materials if needed. Once you have done this, a green checkmark will show on the upper-right corner that you can then click to enact the edict. You may also add one type of influence from your influence pools by clicking on the arrows. The results of your proposed edict will show as as estimated amount for each ‘part’ of the edict that different administrative groups are shouldering. Please note that it costs 1.5 ADM for each system ADM used, 3 ADM for each sector ADM used, and 6 ADM for each Imperial ADM used. It gets very expensive to have your empire capital shoulder the load! There is also some inefficiency with materials should you require their use as well. To cancel an Edict, click on the pending Edict in the Planetary Edicts Pending panel below the available Edicts. It costs 3 ADM to cancel an Edict. If needed, arrows will appear for you to page up/down to show additional Edicts. This system works identically for System Edicts.
  • You may interact with a character by left-clicking on their name if it is in yellow. It costs 1 ADM to interact with a character (0 ADM if they are on New Terra, your capital) regardless of any action you take with them!
  • The Intel screen can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Intel Ministry’ button in the lower button bar. To scroll between pages, press  PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN. There are 2 pages of planet information in this release. To jump to the planet screen, left-click on any planet line.
  • Right now, you ‘win’ if you can attain 90% empire-wise Popular Support, or if you survive 60 years. You may lose to a coup anytime your PoSup drops below 30% – a check is made each turn, with the percentages increasing as your PoSup drops. At 5%, you automatically lose!
  • There is currently no save feature. Iron man only. 🙂

That should be enough to at least get you around the interface. Have fun, and much more to come! (And lower-resolution fans, don’t worry – the next release will have full resolution support on all screens!)

I’m hoping there aren’t many crash bugs, but if there are, could you please add a comment with the error message on this post? I will add more bug tracking functionality on SourceForge later but this will do for now. Please do not send logic-bugs, just crash bugs for now. Thanks!




Hey all,

So I wanted to update everyone on the release of the .225 alpha. The good news it that it will end up being more feature-filled than I had first planned due to some elements being easier to do than I had planned. The less-good news is that it’s not *quite* ready for initial release.

The challenge has been this week in adding and testing the system-level edicts and integrating them into the edict UI. That has pretty much been done. All that is really left to do is to hook up the early ‘win/lose’ statuses (basically, if you survive 60 years, you ‘win’, and if your popular support drops below 30%, you have a chance each turn you remain below 30% to trigger a coup, ending your game; dropping below 10% ends the game automatically) and to finish up adding the last few edicts. The resolutions scaling is done except for the planet screen, and I am working on that as well. In addition (and I had forgotten about this until I was writing out the last things I wanted in this first public build) I need to write an instruction guide for how to play – oops!

While I’m talking about the alpha, I want to make clear what is and is not in this build.

WHAT IS IN: You can create planet level and system level edicts, explore systems and planets, colonize planets and set up outposts, conduct planet-level espionage, create and maintain your trade networks, interact extensively with your viceroys and governors, terraform planets, abandon planets and sectors, and most of the information-level UI and music is now in, including empire-level alerts that will popup as a list on the right-hand side of the quadrant-level view.

The revised system display.Note the expanded information about the sector.
The revised system display.Note the expanded information about the sector.

WHAT IS NOT (YET) IN: You can not access the science, war, finance, diplomacy and emperor info screens, the sector level screen is not yet functional in system view (though the system view is updated as shown above), the scaling functions will be functional (but I STRONGLY recommend that you play with at least a 1400 width monitor), and the ‘secondary selection’ UI for creating edicts needs some major work (currently the only way to assign a system to a sector is to click it from a list, and with no visual frame of reference if you don’t remember which sector you wanted to attach the system to you’ll have to go back to the quadrant screen and get the name). Also, the game is probably not balanced in any fantastic way – the economy works pretty well but I would like a lot of feedback on how the game ‘feels’ as far as how your empire evolves.

What this all means is while I can certainly release ‘a’ build of Imperia today, and it would run just fine (for the most part), the fact that I don’t have the planet screen scaling done yet means that only 1080p monitors would be able to play the game fully at this point. Plus, you’d have no idea how to play beyond maybe reading some of these posts, and I don’t want to release an undocumented game! Even though it’s just an early alpha, I still want it to make a good impression, especially given the number of people that are checking this blog *gulp* 😉 so while I hate to ‘let you down’ today, I hope to have the alpha released ‘very very soon’ as in no more than a few days at most. I work a regular job and I have a family, so I don’t always have a lot of time to devote, but I hope you’ll agree that .225 will be the start of an amazing journey into what I hope will someday become the most innovative space 4X game ever made.

Thank you for your support, and check back very soon!


First of all, I can’t express enough how incredible this – I guess I can call it the Imperia community – has been! This blog is now getting hundreds of visits a day from all over the world, and I’ve gotten some amazing feedback from people both in forums and in private messages. Rest assured that while I have a clear vision of what I want Imperia to be, it is clear that a lot of you out there want a game like Imperia – just like I have for many years! So if you know anyone who you think would be interested in playing Imperia, let ’em know! You may absolutely share this blog’s link or any individual posts!

As far as the alpha, I have been working like mad on converting the resolutions and I’m done with everything but the planet screen. It won’t be perfect but it will certainly be playable. Beyond that, I’ve upgraded the systems and sector summary panels and I am hooking up the system and sector level edicts (this will allow exploring!) I think I have all the crash bugs out so barring something unusual the alpha will be released on Friday, 5/9.

In the meantime, I would appreciate it if anyone could point me to an image (with appropriate license) for a gas giant. I have not been able to find one that I like that I can use legally so if anyone has that and would like to contribute some art, I’d be very grateful!

Thanks again, and can’t wait to get Imperia out there (for you to pick apart, of course… All for love. 😉


The people have spoken!!! See… this is why people should respond to my polls!! A clear majority of the respondents do not have access to 1080p monitors, and while I could be stubborn and say ‘damn them all, after all it’s free’, I decided to tackle it as an interesting programming challenge. And I am happy to say that I have developed a pretty neat scaling mechanism that will allow ANY resolution to play the game!

Imperia will now auto-detect your current resolution and set it to that, and when I set up an options screen you will be able to set a resolution in-game from there, and it will save from session to session. I already have the button bar, the main title screen, the top status bar, and the galaxy screen completed! All that’s left is the system screen (pretty easy), the intel screen (harder, but doable) and the planet screen (OMG). But I now have the process – it will just take some time and elbow grease. (That said, the graphics are still optimized for 1080p, so it won’t look as great, but YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY!!!) The alpha release should have this functionality!


Hey everybody!

I wanted to get opinions on the resolution of Imperia. As you (hopefully) know, currently Imperia only runs in 1080p resolution (1920 X 1080) due to the difficulty in getting a lot of data onto a smaller screen. And of course, this is a hobby project, but since one of the goals has been to deliver an awesome experience to strategy gamers the world over, I wanted your voice about the resolution. Thanks!

Hello everyone,

I’m astounded at the amount of traffic this blog has generated. I’ve really only been updating for about a week, and there are already 100+ views a day, and growing steadily!! Your interest gives me the motivation to work even harder on Imperia and make this project that everyone who likes 4X games and something different can hopefully enjoy!

With that in mind, from time to time I will post poll questions to get anonymous feedback about certain concepts of Imperia. I would love the 15-20 seconds it would take for your input. Thank you so much in advance!


Ah, planets. What 4X worth its salt would not be without them? Planets are the people of the drama that is typical space strategy. You have your science planet, and your manufacturing planets, and your jack-of-all-trades planets, and of course that crazy frontier planet that you only have as an early warning tripwire against the evil neighboring aliens, and whatever happens, hey, they’re just planets, right? After all, you have hundreds of ’em; you’ll never miss just one… right?

Not in Imperia. Here, planets are your tools to shape your empire.

A small, struggling frontier planet.
A small, struggling frontier planet.

Planets in Imperia are very complex entities. They are governed by viceroys who have a relative amount of autonomy to govern the planet. Depending on their personality, they may adjust taxes (income and corporate),  work to expand and contract sectors that they deem appropriate for the planet’s situation and designation(s), build planet-level structures, and in certain cases, initiate planet-level Edicts (that you as Emperor can overturn). Viceroys are also responsible for the results and execution of Edicts that you initiate, generally with their Intelligence and Power stats.

Since they do have a large amount of control over the planet,  it is important to have viceroys that are aligned to your wants and wishes, and whom are at least fairly loyal to your cause, and you will probably spend quite a bit of ADM in personal interactions with your viceroys in order to make your Edicts run as smoothly as possible.

Your planet screen presents you with a lot of information about the planet. A note here: I am not a professional programmer (I’m actually a sales manager!), nor am I any kind of trained UI artist. As I realize how much data will be available to the player, I will probably be tweaking the look and feel of these screens to present data in the most effective manner (hello, artists out there?!?) For now, I have settled on a primary display with a subdisplay that can be configured into several modes: demographic, economic, production, and intel (construction and military submodes to follow). Let’s look at the main panels of Imperia’s stars:

Your main planetary information display. Always displayed on any scanned planet.
Your main planetary information display. Always displayed on any scanned planet.

Here you have your primary info display, showing the planet sector, system, and planet name. The astrographic data of the planet is also displayed, depending on the scan level of the planet. If there has been at least an atmospheric scan, you will see the biological rating of the planet, from 1-100. If you have conducted a geologic scan, you will see the resource ratings as well. Planets have tectonic ratings that determine the chance of events, costs of planetary maintenance, and production costs. The last item is a planetary description.

Planets have 5 size ratings, from 0 to IV(4). The size of the planet determines primarily how many secondary designations the planet can support, but it also determines the maximum development level of the planet. Let’s take a look at the political display for more insight:

The political display of the planet.
The political display of the planet.

This persistent panel shows the planet’s ADM that is available for use, and the total ADM available that the planet generates through their government staffing, size, primary designations, and government seat status. Next comes total development level (TDL) that shows how many levels of development combined that the planet can support. For example, this planet being a class I world with a fairly low bio rating (51) is only able to support 16 total levels of development. It could be 8 in manufacturing and 8 in agriculture, or 4 in each including science, but the planet can not expand until either the planet is terraformed, new technologies are developed, or a sector is deconstructed to make way for a different one. Your viceroys will determine what should be done – it is your responsibility to make sure that your planets can grow!

Next comes the planet Popular Support. In a way, this is the most important number on the screen: not only does it help to determine your empire Popular Support (PoSup) but if it falls too low your viceroy (who has their own planetary PoSup) may decide to effectively ‘ignore’ your requests knowing that his or her people will back them over you, the emperor. When this occurs, it may be extremely difficult to get any Edicts to progress, and you even run the risk of a plot developing on that planet to overthrow your government! As with many UI elements in Imperia, you can get a tooltip when you hover over the PoSup showing what your people are saying to influence it the most.

The census panel shows your population, and you can mouse over it to see how your population changed in detail from last month:

Demographic Tooltip Spotlight
A tooltip showing how your population changed in detail from last month. Tooltips are a consistent way to add additional information for the player when needed.

Finally, your unrest level and the past month’s change and your colony government seat, if any is shown, and your viceroy’s name is also shown. You can click directly onto the viceroy’s name to go to the communications screen or hover for a tooltip of information.

To show the difference in a larger planet, here is your empire capital’s political display and demographic submode:

New Terra's demographic and political information.
New Terra’s demographic and political information, showing desirability factors, unrest trend, and population trend over the last 10 turns.

Note the much larger total development level and admin. Also notice the positive and negative influences that determine how ‘desirable’ a certain planet is. Part of your job as Emperor is to encourage migration to worlds that need labor, which reduces unrest and increases PoSup by giving your pops new and better opportunities, thus making them happier (temporarily). You can do this essentially by providing safe, healthy worlds with good infrastructure and with good economies.

So that’s great, you think. Just take all the large planets you see. What’s the downside? Well…

Here is your Edict Panel:

The Edict Panel.
The Edict Panel.

It shows eligible Edicts for that planet (and their ADM cost), and if there are any active Edicts, it shows remaining estimated time, status, and allows you to cancel them to return the ADM to the governing body(ies) that supplied it.

The ADM for many Edicts is fixed, but many like surveying, terraforming, and changing designations increase time and ADM depending on the class of the planet. So yes, large Class IV planets can hold a lot more development and can be customized more with secondary Designations, but they will cost more to initially survey, colonize, and upgrade. Tradeoffs abound. A small, well run, very high Bio level Class I planet with near optimal resources can actually be more efficient and desirable than a large, dirty, poorly run Class IV planet.

The Planetary Orbital Display.
The Planetary Orbital Display.

Finally, the Orbital Display shows any starbases, defense platforms, fleets, and any blockades or planetary issues graphically.

There are a lot of factors in play to have a successful planet. Designations themselves have tradeoffs: some, like Military Production worlds, pay a lot in wages and are economic powerhouses but damage the Bio rating of the planet over time, and Unrest is generally higher since they are dirty, industrial worlds with a more ‘rough’ populace. By comparison, while Agriculture worlds may be a loss leader (and require a subsidy from the Sector or Empire treasury) they may be critical to growing enough food for your Empire – and with a high Bio rating, more babies will be born healthy, ensuring long-term stability and labor for your Empire. Taxes must be modified as unrest rises, and you may have to coax your Viceroy into doing so – or perhaps finding another way to manipulate your erstwhile servants??

To be continued…

NEXT: Planets and Pops, Part II